顯示所有 3 個結果
昆達里尼瑜伽這5堂的系列課程,旨在釋放你內在的韌性與適應力 💪
這個系列幫助你提升自我力量、自我生成、自我調節,並在面對潛在的壓力和生活變化時展現最佳狀態 🩷
9月19日 - 駕馭負面心態
9月26日 - 平衡能量
10月3日 - 擁抱變化
10月24日 - 有意識地行動
10月31日 - 建立自我意識
In a world filled with rapid change and uncertainty, it's more important than ever to equip ourselves with the tools to navigate challenges and thrive.
Join our 5-class Kundalini Yoga series that’s designed to unlock your inner resilience and adaptability.
This series offers a comprehensive self-empowerment package - empowering you to self-generate, self-regulate and be at your best when facing potentially stressful situations and life changes.
The class dates are:
September 19 - Tame the Negative Mind
September 26- Balance Energy
October 3 - Embrace Change
October 24 - Act Consciously
October 31 - Create a Strong Sense of Self
查看內容 一期5堂$3,500/單堂$750
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